About Us

POZİTİFKÖY, located in Mersin, Silifke’s Cadirli village is a center for nature- and environment-friendly living, learning, and wellness.
Called “Turkey’s center for feeling good”, POZİTİFKÖY is an ecological accommodation and education center built from eco-friendly construction materials such as goat hair for nomad tents. The primary purpose of POZİTİFKÖY is to contribute to personal, corporate, and societal development
In POZİTİFKÖY, there are performance boosting activities offered for public and private sector workers. There are also offerings of applied basic life skills seminars for children, teenagers, and adults of all ages.
POZİTİFKÖY is supported by the IPARD Program co-financed by the European Union and the Republic of Turkey. It started operating in 2022.


For reservation: +90 531 721 33 40